
Yo siempre he sido muy teatrera

"No puedo continuar con la escena, estoy muy contenta... Sr. De Mille, ¿le importa que diga unas palabras?... Gracias. Sólo quiero decirles a todos cúanto me alegro de estar otra vez en el estudio rodando una película. No saben cuánto los he echado de menos. Y prometo no volver a abandonarles, porque después de "Salomé" haremos otra película, y después otra. Esta es mi vida, siempre lo será... No hay nada más, sólo nosotros, las cámaras, y toda esa gente maravillosa en la oscuridad... Sr. De Mille, estoy preparada para mi primer plano...". Norma Desmond (G. Swanson) en el monólogo final de la película.
"I can't go on with the scene. I'm too happy. Mr. DeMille, do you mind if I say a few words? Thank you. I just want to tell you all how happy I am to be back in the studio making a picture again. You don't know how much I've missed all of you. And I promise you I'll never desert you again because after Salome we'll make another picture! And another picture! You see, this is my life. It always will be. There's nothing else, just us and the cameras and those wonderful people out there in the dark. Alright Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close up."


Solo se enkuentra kuando no se buska.

Finding love is the opposite of crossing the road - you make progress only when you stop looking. The reason for this is that people always look for love in the wrong place. It's like crossing the road on the continent - you get run over by love when you're looking the wrong way.
Many people have an ideal of what they're looking for in a partner. Often, this ideal gets in the way of finding a real partner. If you're searching for a tall, dark stranger, you might well be looking precisely six inches above the short, pale friend who is your real soul mate.

An ever-growing number of people find love online. The internet is a masked ball for the socially challenged. The advantage of love online is that you can choose from many more people. The drawback is you then have to fly to Cuba to meet them. Also, remember that you're highly unlikely to meet rugged outdoors types on the internet.
When you're looking for love, you view the whole world as emotional hypertext, and everyone in it as someone you can possibly click on to find a deeper level of meaning. Remember, when you've finally found someone, to turn your search engine off.
Blind dates are always alarming, not because you might meet the Swamp Thing, but because of the realisation that your so-called friends think your ideal partner is the Swamp Thing. For their part, the Swamp Thing feels the same about you, and this feeling of shared anger can often lead to a successful relationship with them and the end of your relationship with your friends.
Love comes to you only when you give out the big, confident love vibe. That's why it's very difficult to find love when you're depressed and miserable. This fact alone makes you more depressed and miserable. You then get desperate and go out with someone totally unsuitable, which makes you utterly miserable. At this stage, you take a vow of chastity, which bizarrely is generally the first step to a fulfilling love life.
When you finally find love, it generally comes in two forms: the first makes you cry a lot but feel incredibly alive; the second makes you laugh a lot and feel incredibly relaxed. Either form is fine, so long as you're both having the same experience.
Guy BrowningSaturday February 4, 2006The Guardian


Mi abuela Manuela

Esta manyana kuando iba en el autobus me sente al lado de una abuelilla. De repente he tenido una regresion a la infancia en toda regla. Me he sentido komo el ninyo de cinko anyos ke fui, ke pasaba mucho tiempo kon su abuela, hasta me kolgaban las piernas del asiento, pues no llegaba al suelo!. He recordado su olor intenso y antiguo a Maderas de Oriente, a Oil of Ulay y a jabon negro de La Toja. Me enkantaba pasar tiempo en su kasa, a veces, kuando ibamos a verla el fin de semana yo me kedaba kon ella toda la semana hasta el siguiente fin de semana. Era magiko!


Home delivered entertainment

Ayer tarde me llamo mi amante, el paisano de Yma Sumac. Ke haces?.Kosiendo. Bueno en ese kaso no te molesto. Si no me molestas, ademas me viene bien un deskanso. Te veo en una hora. Llego, me la metio y se largo, menos mal ke esta vez no me follo en plan konejito de Duracell kon atake de epilepsia (Me akorde ke era por esa razon por la ke no le habia llamao antes, la ultima vez me dejo el kulo a punto de nieve) Pero despues del ultimo enkuentro le volvere a llamar pa ke se pase y me haga otro servicio a domicilio.