
Gay Pride

On 28 June 1969, a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay nightclub in the heart of Greenwich Village, sparked a week-long rebellion, known today as the Stonewall Riots. For the first time in American history, lesbians and gays fought back against police harassment, hurling bricks, bottles, and rocks at the startled NYPD officers.
Gay Liberation Front was formed by thirty-seven women and men who broke ranks with the conservative homophile establishment, which urged a candlelight march in response to the riots. A militant GLF march demanded immediate end to homosexual persecution. The newly formed group was dedicated to the social ideals of the sixties: peace, equality, and economic justice. Between 1969 and 1971 GLF emerged as a powerful force, expanding to more than 80 independent chapters across the US and abroad.

© copyright 1995 N. A. Diaman
Desde aki kiero rendir mi homenaje y mi agradecimiento a todos-as akellos-as ke han luchado, ke han arriesgado sus vidas y su libertad a veces perdiendolas, para ke yo pueda hoy salir a la kalle de la mano de mi novio, darle un beso en publiko, kasarme, konfirmando mi amor y kompromiso kon mi pareja, delante de akellos a lo ke kiero, adoptar a un hijo, ser un ciudadano komo otro kualkiera kon mis derechos y mis obligaciones y no ser konsiderado komo un enfermo o un kriminal. No debemos olvidar ke nada nos ha sido dado gratuitamente, aun keda un largo kamino y hay ke seguir luchando. Adelante!!!